
Wednesday, 1 May 2013

The new food mantra of the 21st century

With the changing phase of the society, the concept of healthy and nutritious eating has been replaced by a new food mantra called JUNK FOOD. This new concept of quick, delicious and elegant meal easily available at every corner of the street has engulfed people of every age and race, little children being the brand new entrants. The so called street food is not only popular in India, but people from across the world are seemed to be a hard core fan of it.

If you love to eat pizza, burger, fries, noodles, hot-dog, and other such meals on daily basis, then beware! You are creating havoc for yourself. It does not matter from which outlet you but it from, but the impact that it leaves on your body is sickeningly harmful. It is rich in carbohydrate, fat and sodium that increase obesity, which in turn leads to various other fatal diseases.  However, consumption of such food occasionally will have minimal effects on your health.

On the other hand main stream food course like: chapatti, rice, lentils, fresh fruits and vegetables are rich in protein vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, which will not only give you a healthy body, but will increase the resistant power of your body system to fight against harmful diseases like, cancer, diabetes, heart diseases, blood sugar, blood pressure, etc.

It is not a new revelation that Junk Food like, cheeseburger, chips, pasta and others are detrimental to human health. But the most surprising fact about it is that, in spite of knowing that junk food does not contain the nutrients necessary for living a healthy lifestyle, people have not clogged its consumption. It might be due to lack of proper information about its impact on the body, or might be some other reason unknown.
Here are some facts about fast food and its toxic effects responsible for causing fatal blow.
  • Junk food lowers down your energy level as it does not contain proper nutrition like, protein, vitamin or carbohydrate. Thus, after its consumption your blood sugar may drop down suddenly leaving you fatigue and cranky.
  • May cause obesity that will virtually lead to other illnesses like high blood pressure, diabetes, excessive weight gain, arthritis, cardiovascular diseases causing heart attack and stroke. It may also lead to kidney disorder. Not only this, it might also affect your mind causing fatigue, loss of memory, lack of concentration, etc. 

  •   Junk Food may also have adverse effect on your liver and heart. Excessive consumption of sodium and fat present in fast food may increase the cholesterol level by causing dysfunction of the heart and liver.
  •     Too much of refined sugar and carbohydrates in street food can also lead to the occurrence of diabetes.
  •   It may also cause other problems like mood swing, constipation, tiredness, laziness, dizziness, etc., as it lacks protein and other vitals minerals necessary for a healthy living.